Monday, 25 November 2013

My Promises for 2014

Just like magazines and fashion, I need to work a few months ahead of myself. Plan, prepare and then flop around for the holidays! So here's what I'm planning for next year. Nothing beats keeping promises made in public...

In 2014, I promise to:

  • do less and think more.
  • to stop, smell the roses and let my mind drift.
  • to get out of the office and hang around cool places. 
  • not listen to everyone's advice.
  • have less goals.

I bet you're thinking, "Wow, she's given up. What a loser-list of promises."

But in fact, it's the total opposite. I plan 2014 to be my best, most successful yet. To grow my list of happy clients with gorgeous chairs.

My first year running My Bespoke Chair has been a wild roller-coaster; I've lost count of the times I've cried in frustration one minute only to score a fantastic victory the next. Worked like a mad-woman only to hit a brick wall, then bask in glorious 'how did I do that?' achievement.

If you still think I'm taking the road to Loserville with my promises for 2014, let me reframe them.

In 2014, I promise to:
  • plan my actions and develop a carefully considered strategy.
  • come up with inventive ways to promote, improve, sell and grow.
  • to change my working environment so that inspiration flows towards me.
  • choose only 1 or 2 industry leaders/programs to follow and implement their lessons.
  • specify 3 goals for the year and reach them.

What am I trying to avoid in 2014?
  • the scatter-gun approach to business. Of course, as an e-commerce novice, it was vital I tried out as many approaches as possible. It was the only way to discover what to do and how to do it.
  • hearing opposing and confusing messages. There are so many experts and luminaries to take advice from and it can be overwhelming; newsletters, blog posts, seminars, webinars, online programs etc. It just becomes noise. So I'm tuning into a couple of my favourites only. People who have actually succeeded in the goals I'm setting myself. 
  • FOMO. By setting only 3 goals, my focus will be on measurable efforts and results; not on sickening feelings of "I'm missing out if I don't do this, speak to this person, get into this magazine, go to this event, follow this program."

What are your promises to yourself in 2014?

*FOMO = Fear Of Missing Out

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Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Video - Creative Christmas

Episode 2 of My Bespoke Chair on YouTube.

There is NO excuse for boring Christmas gifts - or any type of gift to be honest. The internet is brimming with great gift ideas....

Just use your imagination. And if you find that a bit tricky, watch this instead!

Click HERE to view

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

My First Video

I have been learning about the power of YouTube and the leverage of video marketing in general.

Did you know that YouTube is the No2 search engine globally? From it's roots as an entertainment platform, it has grown into a serious research tool. If we want to know how to do something, or want to discover something or be entertained, video is an easy medium to digest. It's instant gratification and often being shown something is more powerful than reading about it.

So it's no surprise that people are using YouTube to get their message across. In addition, YouTube is now owned by Google, the No1 search engine globally. So they compliment each other; if you have a solid, consistent presence on one, it will help you rank better on the other.

That is why I published my first Welcome To My Bespoke Chair video. As an advocate for making your home truly yours, making your home tell the story of you, I wanted to share with you who I am, what I do and how I can help you. And you get to sneak a peak into my home (which we all find fascinating!)

Click on the link below and see you on the other side.....subscribe and get more tips, advice, info and sneak peaks.

Click here to view

Don't forget to visit My Bespoke Chair and sign up for my fortnightly newsletter.