In 2014, I promise to:
- do less and think more.
- to stop, smell the roses and let my mind drift.
- to get out of the office and hang around cool places.
- not listen to everyone's advice.
- have less goals.
I bet you're thinking, "Wow, she's given up. What a loser-list of promises."
But in fact, it's the total opposite. I plan 2014 to be my best, most successful yet. To grow my list of happy clients with gorgeous chairs.
My first year running My Bespoke Chair has been a wild roller-coaster; I've lost count of the times I've cried in frustration one minute only to score a fantastic victory the next. Worked like a mad-woman only to hit a brick wall, then bask in glorious 'how did I do that?' achievement.
If you still think I'm taking the road to Loserville with my promises for 2014, let me reframe them.
In 2014, I promise to:
- plan my actions and develop a carefully considered strategy.
- come up with inventive ways to promote, improve, sell and grow.
- to change my working environment so that inspiration flows towards me.
- choose only 1 or 2 industry leaders/programs to follow and implement their lessons.
- specify 3 goals for the year and reach them.
What am I trying to avoid in 2014?
- the scatter-gun approach to business. Of course, as an e-commerce novice, it was vital I tried out as many approaches as possible. It was the only way to discover what to do and how to do it.
- hearing opposing and confusing messages. There are so many experts and luminaries to take advice from and it can be overwhelming; newsletters, blog posts, seminars, webinars, online programs etc. It just becomes noise. So I'm tuning into a couple of my favourites only. People who have actually succeeded in the goals I'm setting myself.
- FOMO. By setting only 3 goals, my focus will be on measurable efforts and results; not on sickening feelings of "I'm missing out if I don't do this, speak to this person, get into this magazine, go to this event, follow this program."
What are your promises to yourself in 2014?
*FOMO = Fear Of Missing Out
*FOMO = Fear Of Missing Out
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