Friday, 20 December 2013

Going 'cold turkey' on technology this Christmas

I am having a hard time imagining the next fortnight away from my Mac. Christmas is nearly here, my suppliers are closing down for the holiday season and other soloprenuers are joyfully announcing "2 weeks of disconnected bliss.'

But I just can't imagine not going onto FB, writing my newsletters, posting to my lovely Instagram community and building my fledgling Pinterest account. What about the press releases that need to go out as soon as the editors hit their desks again in early Jan? And the event I'm co-hosting in February? Or the article I want to write?

My brain has totally been rewired to think constantly about My Bespoke Chair and how I can grow it, improve it and get the results I want and, damn-it, deserve.

Cold Turkey seems impossible to me.

But my family needs me to shut off from the Mac. I try very hard to balance being a great full-time mum, with working from home on a business I created myself. My beautiful, sometimes difficult 3rd child. But my even more beautiful and incredibly wonderful, loving and fun real children need me too. And I need them.

During school term, balance is easily achieved. I have a set time-schedule and we all fall into a nice, easy routine. See this blog post about A Day in My Life.

But holiday times feel boundary-less. Free and lacking in discipline. My routine of work and play go out of the window. I sneak into my office area when I should be taking the kids to the park, or baking, or sunning ourselves on the beach. I am a terrible mother.

It's the FOMO that I promised myself here I would avoid in 2014.


I have put the parental control lock on MYSELF!

  • One hour per day only.
  • Forbidden use between 10am and 5pm.

Not quite cold turkey. More like luke-warm turkey. But boundaries have been set and I'm happy.

It's Christmas and it's an easy holiday to shut the business down through. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!

So here it goes..........goodbye, sayonara, ciao, aufweidersehen, farewell, daag, au revoir and zaijian.

(Just one more thing - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year)

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Video Montage - The Perfect Christmas Dream

The Perfect Christmas Dream

Click on the pink link above to view.

This is a whimsical, cute video I created in my 'spare time' with a fab new service called Animoto. Create your own 30 second video - simple to use and great fun. And free!

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